Organizational Hierarchy


The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) is the parent organization of all of the subordinate levels below that. See the NAP web site here, or our brief page with other national links here.


There are 8 districts within NAP, Check out all of them on the NAP web site here. You’ll see a map of North America, but also check out the district information below the map — we have NAP members all over the world!

The Arizona association is a part of District 8, which also includes California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, and China associations, plus at-large members from Asia and Norther Marianas. Check out the District 8 web site here.


Each of the US states and the District of Columbia have an association, except there is a New England Association covering the states of Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

And there are several international associations as well, with 4 in Canada and one in China.

There is also the Electronic Association of Parliamentarians, which

The Arizona State Association of Parliamentarians represents all units in the state, as well as Members At Large (NAP members who do not belong to a local unit).

Check out the full list of associations on the NAP web site here.


The unit is the lowest hierarchical subdivision within NAP. Most units are “local units”, from a portion of a state. But there are also several “electronic units” which only meet virtually.

See the list of units in the Arizona association here.