The ASAP Annual Meeting for 2021 was a wonderful event. We hope to see you in 2022!
Information on slide decks, handouts, and videos is available here.
Event Schedule
- 9:00 am – Opening Ceremonies, Reports, and Special Orders
- 10:45 am – Workshop 1: Kay Crews presents Presiding With Confidence.

Would you rather hide behind the lectern than preside from it? Do you need to help a new chairman preside effectively? Learn important guidelines for the presiding officer to use before, during, and after a meeting. This interactive workshop will make presiders more confident, and will help parliamentarians prepare leaders to preside over more efficient meetings.
Kay Crews is a professional parliamentarian and is the immediate past president of the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP). She is both a CPP-T and a PRP; fewer than 50 people hold that dual credential. She teaches basic parliamentary procedure professionally through the University of Wisconsin Independent Learning department.
Kay is routinely hired as a parliamentarian, but she also provides services as a professional presiding officer, recording secretary, and teller. Outside of meetings, she provides parliamentary opinions, script-writing and bylaws-writing services.
- 11:45 am – Lunch and Social Time
- 12:30 pm – Workshop 2: CJ Cavin presents Technical Requirements for Parliamentarians/Presiding Officers

This workshop will focus on the technology that parliamentarians or presiding officers need to level up their meeting experience. We will talk about cameras, lighting, audio requirements, and a few tips on communicating with a remote presiding officer!
C.J. Cavin is a licensed Oklahoma attorney and a credentialed parliamentarian. C.J. has obtained the Certified Parliamentarian-Teacher credential from the American Institute of Parliamentarians and the Professional Registered Parliamentarian credentials from the National Association of Parliamentarians.
He is the full-time parliamentarian for the Oklahoma House of Representatives, the Treasurer for the American Institute of Parliamentarians, Treasurer for the American College of Parliamentary Lawyers, and past president of the Oklahoma State Association of Parliamentarians.
- 1:30 pm – New Business/Bylaws Amendments
- 2:15 pm – Short Break and Social Time
- 2:30 pm – Workshop 3: Vivian Vincent presents Membership Extension and Retention Committee (MERC) Activity Highlights

What is MERC? What does MERC do? How has MERC helped or could help associations and units? This workshop describes MERC, what it does, and how it should help associations, units, and NAP.
Vivian Vincent, PRP, is a past District 8 Director (2017-2019). She is a past president of the Arizona State Association of Parliamentarians. She is a member and past president of the Arizona Alpha Unit. She is owner of AZ (Arizona) Parliamentary Consulting. Vivian serves local, state, national and international organizations, businesses, and individuals and provides services as a meeting parliamentarian, bylaw consultant, professional presiding officer, and formal opinion writer. She enjoys presenting parliamentary training workshops, speaking to groups about parliamentary procedure, and creating unique and challenging workshops for parliamentarians.
- 3:30 pm – Educational Outreach Idea/Brainstorming Session
- 4:00 pm – General Announcements and Summary
- 4:30 pm – Adjourn Sine Die
This page will be updated with additional information as it is finalized.